Print & art direction
Print has proven that it will never die because it can adapt. Successful print media
that can seamlessly transition to web content is the future. With great art direction,
that can easily be achieved, resulting in expanding the impact of your message.
You snooze, you win
ART DIRECTION, LAYOUT & FIGURE DESIGN: The challenge was to create a cover image that showed getting enough sleep helps with employees’ productivity, mood, and satisfaction, all while fitting inside Deloitte’s circle motif.
(Cover art by Jon Krause)
Art direction
An example of cover illustrations I art-concepted and then directed illustrators to complete.
Cover designs & print media
An example of designs I created for print article and magazine covers, as well as other print media I’ve created (greeting cards, posters, etc.).
Interior print spreads
An example of interior print spreads I’ve designed for magazines and articles, including Deloitte Review and monthly mailers.